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2020-Current - 7th Decade

As the original light hovercraft manufacturer, Neoteric moves into its seventh decade as one of a very few hovercraft manufacturers with 60 years of experience and expertise. In addition to its manufacturing and engineering experience, Neoteric has trained and certified many rescue, recreational, commercial and military hovercraft pilots during that time. Neoteric’s exclusive Hovercraft Pilot Training program is the most comprehensive light hovercraft pilot training course available.

As an ambiguous testament to the one-of-a-kind engineering and design of Hovercraft, Neoteric has in recent years been exploited by individuals/companies intent upon committing industrial espionage and theft of trade secrets in order to counterfeit and copy Neoteric’s patented and trademarked designs. Of great concern is the fact that hovercraft are increasingly utilized in rescue operations; counterfeit rescue hovercraft can pose a threat to the lives of first responders and to those they are tasked to save. With assistance from US Federal and international agencies, Neoteric and the World Hovercraft Organization continue to prosecute and attempt to put a halt to such unlawful offenses.

Neoteric Hovercraft are not mass-produced; each craft is manufactured by hand. As factory production increases, Neoteric strives to maintain this hands-on culture and, at the same time, endeavors to increase manufacturing efficiency. Much of Neoteric’s engineering effort, over the past several years, has been devoted to this challenge. The technology section of the Neoteric website describes this process in greater detail, with photos.

On the technology front, Neoteric engineering team Rob Wilson and David Atkins, both founding members of the company, continue their work in Australia. One long-term project is a new high-speed two-person performance hovercraft being developed with the goal of establishing a World Speed Record for light hovercraft. This goal is being accomplished by reintroducing technology that Neoteric conceived during the early 1970s.

Following is A Photo History of Neoteric from 2020-Current


Repeat orders continue for domestic rescue organization as well as private customers. In addition, we have successfully exported kit craft and rescue craft to China and several other countries.

February 2020

Rob Wilson, Neoteric Vice President of Engineering, and one of Neoteric’s founding members traveled from Neoteric Australia for a visit from 5 to 26 Feb 2020. During his stay, Rob assisted with the design and development of Thrust Blockers for two 12-passenger Hovertechnics HT 2000 rescue machines that Neoteric/Hovertechnics was constructing for a client in China.

April 2020

FDIC is cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic.

August 2020

In April 2019, the dealer “Shanghai Haipai” placed an order with Hovertechnics for two HT 2000 rescue hovercraft intended for the Xi’an Fire Department in China. The manufacturing of these two machines was completed by August 2020. Following successful river and lake tests, the hovercraft were readied for container shipping to China on 20 August 2020.

HT2000 Floating Test
  Hovercraft Load to Container
  Hovercraft Load to Container
HT 2000 Flotation Roll Stability Testing.     Hovercraft being readied for lifting and container loading.   Lifted above factory fence for loading into a 45 ft. container.
September 2020

Golf craft sales continue mostly for recreational and pleasure amusement. This customer wants to hover in all Contiguous US States. See more about Phil Yastrow's story on 8 March 2021 posting “Big Kenny’s Crank It Up Garage”.

Recreational Hovercraft   Recreational Hovercraft    
“Brontocraft” - Phil Yastrow’s unique creation inspired by the Flintmobile.     “Brontocraft” on roll-on/off hovercraft trailer and hooked up to the tow vehicle, ready for the next road trip.    
8 March 2021

Charlie Pennachio who is a TV Show producer contacted Neoteric and wanted to do an episode about hovercraft. Our customer Phil Yastrow agreed to participate in filming shoot for Big Kenny’s “Crank It Up Garage” show, which premiered on Thursday, 8 July 2021 on Circle TV.

Neoteric Hovercraft Golf Cart on “Big Kenny’s Crank It Up Garage” for full story with photos …

March 2021

Domestic customer purchased a kit craft for home “do-it-yourself” construction. Visit Neoteric’s Web site Page “HoverGarage” to see the full Story.

Hover Garage   Hover Garage    
Kit hovercraft packed with hovercraft cover and secured on roll-on/off hovercraft trailer for transport to the customers workshop.     Uncovered and parked in the customer’s garage prior to assembly.    
April 2021

Several kits were shipped to an individual from Rochester, New York who is building a collection of 3 craft which are intended for racing. Here they can be seen departing the factory.

3 Racing Craft Kits        
3 kit craft fixed on a trailer for transportation.          
May 2021

An urgent order for a 4-passenger rescue hovercraft was exported to our China dealer in Xiamen by air. Craft can be seen being crated then loaded into a truck for the first leg of a long voyage.

Urgent Order to China   Urgent Order to China   Urgent Order to China
The front side of the hovercraft is secured in a wood crate for air shipping.     Side view of the wood crate.   Manual Truck Loading.
August 2021

August 5th to 7th, 2021 FDIC participation. Originally scheduled for April, the dates were pushed to August due to the cancellation of the 2020 FDIC. Neoteric Inc. had an outdoor booth and conducted live hovercraft demonstrations every ½ hour, despite the heat. Unfortunately, both exhibitor and attendee numbers were significantly lower than in previous years, largely due to the lingering effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

FDIC 2021   FDIC 2021    
2021 FDIC outdoor demonstration setup.     Live hovercraft demonstration in front of Lucas Oil Stadium Indianapolis, Indiana.    
September 2021

Development of a new Briggs & Stratton Powered 4 cycle 40 HP 2-passenger entry-level craft. This project has involved 1967 man-hours and $23,000 in materials. Craft will be available in July 2023.

Briggs & Stratton Powered Hovercaft   Briggs & Stratton Powered Hovercaft   Briggs & Stratton Powered Hovercaft
Hand building Plug for Briggs Engine Cover     Briggs Engine Installation in 2 seat craft   Briggs engine and Fuel Tank installation.
Briggs & Stratton Powered Hovercaft   Briggs & Stratton Powered Hovercaft    
Briggs Unique Transmission Assembly.   Briggs craft Plug Build-up to accommodate larger fan diameter.    
October 2021

Elizabeth Slifkin from SpaceX in California reached out regarding various hovercraft options. On May 13, 2021, Ryan Santos contacted Neoteric Inc. to schedule an on-site demonstration for local government agencies in Boca Chica. Since Starbase is situated within a state park with sensitive terrain, authorities have prohibited tracked, wheeled, or airboat vehicles to prevent damage to the tidal mudflat ecosystem.

SpaceX Hovercraft Proof of Concept        
6-passenger payload capacity test and terrain damage evaluation.          

In light of this challenge, SpaceX explored hovercraft as a viable transportation alternative. On October 7, 2021, Chris and Myall Hawkins conducted a hovercraft “proof of concept” demonstration using Myall’s 6-passenger Neoteric rescue craft from Houston at Starbase in Boca Chica, Texas.

Attendees included Park Rangers, Sheriffs, Police Department officials, and representatives from Natural Resources and Fish and Wildlife, all interested in assessing the impact of hovercraft on the terrain. After a successful demonstration, the authorities unanimously agreed to permit unlimited use of hovercraft for ferrying SpaceX employees between South Padre Island and Boca Chica. Additionally, hovercraft will be utilized for reclamation efforts following any accidental rocket explosions.

SpaceX Hovercraft Proof of Concept   SpaceX Hovercraft Proof of Concept    
Neoteric hovercraft at the Space X Starbase Boca Chica, TX. 7 Oct 2021     Chris Fitzgerald explaining Hovercraft characteristics to TX. Park Ranger.    
SpaceX Hovercraft Proof of Concept   SpaceX Hovercraft Proof of Concept    
Hovering on the sensitive terrain proving no damage to the land or fragile vegetation.   Transporting rocket segments along the roadway at Space X Boca Chica, TX 2021.    

Shortly thereafter on the 13th of October 2021, Neoteric delivered a 6-passenger craft with a cabin for remediation work at Starbase. This location has perfect terrain for hovercraft operations. When two larger craft from a competitor arrived at the site the Neoteric craft was no longer needed and disposed of in 2025.

SpaceX Hovercraft Proof of Concept
Neoteric 6-passenger side-by-side hovercraft with cabin as shipped to Space X.
October 2021

On October 21, 2021, Chris Fitzgerald, the president of Neoteric, established the US Hovercraft Museum as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity. The Museum accepts hovercraft donations, refurbishing them for exhibition. Each craft on display is fully operational, with a special preference for those originating from Neoteric. In the future, the Museum will complement a new Neoteric Factory, which is set to be built near the Wabash River in Terre Haute, IN 47807, USA.

US Hovercraft Museum
SpaceX Hovercraft Proof of Concept   SpaceX Hovercraft Proof of Concept    
Historic photo: Neova 1 hovercraft and the team of the engineers.   Historic photo: Neova 1 hovering over sand bar.    

Domestic rescue craft sales continue at a steady pace.

April 2022

April 28 – 30, 2022 FDIC Neoteric Inc. outdoor booth and live hovercraft demonstration at which Neoteric unveiled its latest innovation: a 2-passenger rescue hovercraft powered by Briggs 40 HP 4-cycle engine. Sales manager and mechanics from Shibaura Fire Pump Company in Japan visited Neoteric’s booth and decided to invest in one of our 4-passenger rescue hovercraft. They have since made multiple visits to our factory for Hovercraft Pilot Training. However, they are currently facing challenges with Japanese government certification process for the importation of Light Hovercraft, as well as navigating various regulations.

FDIC 2022   FDIC 2022    
  Two hovercraft on trailers hooked together and transported by one tow vehicle to the 2022 FDIC outdoor booth.     Chris Fitzgerald introducing Briggs 40 HP 4-cycle engine powered 2-passenger rescue hovercraft.    
May 2022

Air shipping a 4-passenger rescue craft to Shibaura Fire Pump Company, Japan for participation in the YOKOHAMA International Fire and Safety Exhibition on 8th and 9th June 2022 in Yokohama, near Tokyo. The process of loading the air-shipping crate into a truck for transport to the Airport in Chicago for air shipment to Japan as illustrated below.

Rescue Hovercraft to Japan   Rescue Hovercraft to Japan    
The hovercraft fixed in wooden crate for air shipping.     Hand Loading truck for movement to Airport in Chicago.  
August 2022

A 6-passenger 100 HP craft was purchased and converted by a customer from Wisconsin for ice fishing. Note the cleaver fold up and unfolding heated enclosure that allows for comfortable ice fishing during cold temperatures.

Hovercraft for Ice Fishing        
Neoteric 6-passenger with cabin converted with the owner’s special design of enclosure for ice fishing.          
October 2022

Chris Fitzgerald delivered two presentations to The Hovercraft Society in the UK through ZOOM meetings on the following topics:

Topic: "Light Hovercraft Market", 13 October 2022

Topic: "Hovercraft Training", 6 June 2024

January 2023

On 24th January 2023, Neoteric had the pleasure of hosting Argo's President and CEO, Brad Darling, along with Mark Esala, VP of Engineering, and Kevin Asselin, VP of Sales and Marketing. Their visit was focused on exploring opportunities for collaboration to expand the market for Light Hovercraft. After thorough discussions, the Argo board determined to concentrate their current internal developments of a Briggs Engine replacement they were using and other products, including their “Sherp” Ice transport machine, rather than pursuing a market for light hovercraft despite the fact that many Argo customers are also Hovercraft owners.

4 Meeting with Argo Team        
Meeting with the team from Argo          
February 2023

On 6 February 2023, three 4-passenger and One 6-passenger rescue craft were collected by the Green Lake Sheriff's Department in WI for rescue deployment around various locations on Green Lake.

4 Hovercrafts for Green Lake Sheriff Department in WI    
Rescue hovercraft on hover-on/off trailers lined up outside of the factory prior to their departure for Green Lake Wisconsin      

On the 18th and 19th February 2023, Chris Fitzgerald, Steve Stafford, and Peggy Sun from Neoteric visited Green Lake, WI, for on-site Hovercraft Pilot and Maintenance Training to a team of 12 students from the sheriff's and nearby fire departments.

On-Site Hovercraft Pilot Training   On-Site Hovercraft Pilot Training    
Hovercraft instructors, students and hovercraft training on icy Green Lake.     Hovercraft Pilot and Maintenance Training: Pre-flight inspection.    
On-Site Hovercraft Pilot Training   On-Site Hovercraft Pilot Training    
Hovercraft Pilot and Maintenance Training: hovercraft theory explanation in classroom.     Hovercraft Pilot and Maintenance Training: hovercraft maintenance training in the workshop.    
April 2023

A 6-passenger 100 HP craft was supplied to longtime customer “Maryland Environmental” for Infill catchment pond survey work in the Chesapeake Bay area of Maryland.

From 27 to 29 April 2023, Neoteric showcased 4 hovercraft, including 1 training hovercraft used for live demonstration, 1 Briggs 40 HP engine powered 2-passenger hovercraft updated with reverse buckets, 1 4-passenger craft with Gator cabin, and 1 4-passenger rescue hovercraft. Neoteric distributed numerous complimentary passes to their valued customers. Hovercraft can be seen in convoy heading to Indianapolis on the 26 April 2023.

FDIC 2023   FDIC 2023   FDIC 2023
FDIC exhibiter passes for Neoteric employees and offered to Neoteric customers.     Hovercraft in convoy heading for Indianapolis, Indiana.   Neoteric outdoor demo booth being setup for static and Live demonstrations
July 2023

From 24 to 30 July 2023, Neoteric exhibited at EAA’s Air Venture Oshkosh, WI. Chris Fitzgerald, Peggy Sun (VP, Sales and Engineer of Neoteric Inc.), TianXiang Zheng (Rose-Hulman ME Intern) and ZhuoCheng Jiang (Rose-Hulman ME Intern) manned the booth for 7 days.

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, WI   EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, WI   EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, WI
Neoteric booth flyer for EAA 2023.     Neoteric rescue hovercraft exhibited at 2023 EAA.   People at EAA showing interest in the range of Hovercraft displayed.
October 2023

US Geological Survey in WA acquired one 4 seat unit for ecological and wildlife studies within a 600-mile radius of their base in WA.

US Geological Survey Hovercraft        
Onsite Hovercraft Pilot and Maintenance Training with, Brian Eachus, Ecologist, Garth Herring, Ph.D., Ecologist and head of team, John Pierce, Ecologist at the USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center. Chris Fitzgerald on the right          

Two 4-passenger rescue hovercraft were shipped by air to Qatar for an important exhibition and then to be utilized for rescue operations. Craft can be seen being loaded onto a truck for shipment to Washington DC for onward air shipment to Qatar. Craft were securely mounted on special steel air shipping platforms, expertly designed and crafted by Neoteric.

Hovercrafts to Qatar   Hovercrafts to Qatar    
Fork lifting the hovercraft onto a flatbed truck. Note specially designed steel frames for air shipping.     Two hovercraft fixed on a flatbed truck ready to be transported to Washington DC for air shipping.    
Hovercrafts to Qatar        
A closer view of the air shipping platforms specially designed and manufactured by Neoteric.          
December 2023

Neoteric Hovercraft Training Centers were invited to train a team of security guards in Qatar between December 9 and December 14, 2023. Two Neoteric 4-passenger rescue craft were airlifted to the State of Qatar Interior Security Force, known as “Lekhwiya.” Chris Fitzgerald who led the two-day training program conducted the training with Hovercraft instructor Billy Zang. A total of six students, members of the Lekhwiya Scuba Dive Team, were trained with the assistance of an interpreter.

Hovercraft Training at Qatar   Hovercraft Training at Qatar   Hovercraft Training at Qatar
Hovercraft Pilot and Maintenance Training: hovercraft maintenance workshop training.     Hovercraft Pilot and Maintenance Training: adding gasoline to the tank. All training was in the salt water of the Gulf of Arabia.   The Lekhwiya Scuba Dive team’s spacious and well-maintained fleet garage.
Hovercraft Training at Qatar   Hovercraft Training at Qatar   Hovercraft Training at Qatar
Certified Hovercraft Students being presented with their training certificates by instructors Chris Fitzgerald (1st from left) and Billy Zang (1st from right).   Hovercraft Pilot and Maintenance Training: Pre-flight inspection at headquarters before heading off to the Gulf for training in the salt water.     Chris Fitzgerald in front of Lekhwiya’s Security Division’s Logo or Symbol.

One 6-passenger craft was shipped by container to Taiwan for salt water tidal mud flat survey work. The pictures depict typical terrain that Neoteric craft are designed to operate across.

Hovercraft to Taiwan   Hovercraft to Taiwan    
Tidal mud flat terrain. Transportation means before hovercraft arrived.     Commercial use. Hovercraft covered in mud after operating across saltwater tidal mudflats. Craft are easily cleaned with a fresh water hose.    

Sales of Rescue craft continue to fire services and police departments.

April 2024

2024 FDIC outdoor demonstration is held from April 18 to 20, 2024. 4 Neoteric hovercraft were again transported to the show. Billy Zang assisted with live hover displays every half hour. Once again Neoteric showcased the new Briggs 40 HP 4 cycle engine powered 2-passenger hovercraft and a standard Neoteric 65 HP 4-passenger rescue craft.

FDIC 2024
Hovercraft in convoy heading to Indianapolis for the FDIC Fire Show in April 2024
FDIC 2024   FDIC 2024    
FDIC outdoor exhibitors live demonstration.     Briggs 40 HP 4 cycle engine powered 2-passenger rescue hovercraft with reverse system live hover demonstration. Hovercraft Pilot: William Zang.    

First 40 HP Briggs craft sold to Mexico gold mine to assist with tailing pound survey and management tasks.

First Briggs Hovercraft to Mexico        
Hovercraft Pilot training with the Briggs 40 HP engine craft.          
August 2024

Golf craft were sold for promotion purposes in August 2024, and for use as a Luxury yacht tender in the Hamptons, NY.

Golf Hovercraft Sold For Promotion        
Golf cart hovercraft with the top open.          
September 2024

Company president Chris Fitzgerald was invited to join a team from the Indiana Department of Economic Development Corp. for a visit to the Australian Land Forces Exposition in Melbourne, taking place from 11 to 13 September 2024. The department is exploring the possibility of participating in future expositions and is seeking insights on the potential advantages for Indiana Commerce. During the event, the U.S. Charge D’affaires, Erica Olson, greeted the delegation.

Land Force Expo in Melbourne, Australia        
Members of the Indiana Delegation at the Australian land Forces Exposition in Melbourne. Erica Olson in the center and the head of the Indiana delegation Roger Howard on the right.          

During his trip to Australia in September 2024, Chris took the initiative to oversee the decommissioning of Neoteric’s original test facility located in Hastings, Victoria. He also coordinated the shipping of several original test models and various historical artifacts to the US Hovercraft Museum for exhibition.

Original Test Models   Original Test Models    
Collected original models and parts along with company documentation and correspondence for exhibition in the US Hovercraft Museum.   View of early test facility prior to cleanup and sale.    
November 2024

In November 2024 Neoteric supplied The Hamilton Police Department, Hamilton Ontario, Canada with a 6-passenger Hovertrek™ for their water and ice rescue program. Craft was shipped with a hover-on/off single axle trailer.

Hamilton Police Department Training        
This photo shows the Canadian Hamilton team of responders receiving training in Terre Haute.          
December 2024

One 6-passenger rescue craft with hover-on/off trailer was delivered to Waller County Fire Marshalls Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Texas. A team of three responders received training during the pickup time.

Weller County Texas Rescue Hovercraft   Weller County Texas Rescue Hovercraft    
Waller craft after arrival in Waller County, TX.     Waller’s Hover-on/off trailer    
February 2025

In February 2025, the University of Florida in Gainesville took delivery of a new 6-passenger craft featuring an open deck bay storage area situated behind the center bench seat. Associate Professor Nina Stark expressed her gratitude to Neoteric for their exceptional training and outstanding service. Nina’s team is dedicated to advancing research in global coastal and marine tidal regions focused on geotechnics. The hovercraft plays a crucial role in transporting the team to designated collection sites, which are precisely located using satellite coordinates. Upon returning to the university's laboratory, collected samples undergo testing to assess moisture content and soil composition. The insights gained from this research are instrumental in predicting surface load-bearing conditions across numerous tidal regions worldwide, highlighting its significance for military applications.

University of Florida Hovercaftfe   University of Florida Hovercaft   University of Florida Hovercaft
Billy Zang and Chris Fitzgerald Training the University of Florida Team.     View of the University of Florida’s machine.   Test demonstration of the University’s craft
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