On February 11, 2017 the Council Bluffs Fire Department's hovercraft rescued a fisherman who had fallen through the ice on Lake Manawa and was submerged in icy water while clinging to the ice shelf.
| February 11, 2017:
"The hovercraft is a very stable platform, and we're not getting in the water. It's not going to sink. It won't capsize like a canoe or other boat. Our hovercraft can handle some of the most dangerous rescues that would otherwise be out of reach. It's the only vehicle able to operate on any surface; you can get it anywhere that basically nothing else can get to. With it, we're not sending first responders into bad water or ice. We can go over it all with the hovercraft, grab the victim and bring them back."
Fire Chief Justin James
Council Bluffs Fire Department
Council Bluffs, Iowa USA |
| June 2016:
“This Neoteric hovercraft is one of the most modern rescue vehicles on the Polish market. It rises to 30 cm from the surface and is able to move on both land and water. This machine can save people under the most difficult weather conditions that prevent the use of a helicopter.”
"Regardless of the weather, our new hovercraft can fly over water, ice, mud, sand, grass or wetlands - allowing us to get to those places you can't reach either by boat or by foot.”
"It will allow us to save people even in winter, when water reservoirs are on ice or floe. Until now, our rescuers did not have equipment that would enable them to act in such circumstances."
Jason Kleczaj and Vice President Miroslaw Gosieniecki
WOPR (A national water rescue organization)
Szczecin, Poland
Sgt. Rick Holtgrave pilots the Department's Neoteric hovercraft. He and Branch County Sheriff John Pollack agree that the hovercraft is an invaluable tool for ice rescues.
| Dec 2015:
“The biggest thing for us is the ice, particularly thin ice. Two problems that we have are human and animal. Whenever we have a rescue on thin ice, our option is to utilize the fire department. They are tethered on a 20-foot rope. Beyond that it’s too far for them to go. It becomes too difficult to rescue the rescuers.
“All those dangers are what we used to have to face, but now with this hovercraft we can get out there, make the rescue and get right back. It gives the rescuer a secure platform to get the rescue done.”
Sheriff John Pollack
Branch County Sheriff’s Office / Marine Patrol
Coldwater, Michigan USA
| May 25, 2015:
Thank you and the staff at Neoteric for getting us operational and back in service so quickly. You guys are always there for us. Texas is receiving record flooding … and you just never know when that next call for help may be. The hovercraft was immediately returned to first line status upon receiving it.
The repairs are first class, and were above my expectations. Our water team has been on standby for almost 21 days now and, as you can imagine, life without their primary tool has been somewhat distressing. Your willingness to get our hovercraft repaired and delivered back to us is greatly appreciated.
I hope you know that Wylie Fire-Rescue will be a long-time supporter of Neoteric hovercraft. Thanks for all you do. It's really a pleasure to work with a company that proves over and over to its customers that they truly care.
Brian Ritter
Battalion Chief
Wylie Fire-Rescue
Wylie, Texas USA |
| November 15, 2014:
“We used our new hovercraft on its first real incident last night and I was extremely pleased with how it performed. We had to go get two hunters that were stranded in Skagit Bay when the tide went out on them. It was dark, 26 degrees, and the hovercraft operated perfectly. There were no issues with the engine in the freezing conditions and the lights, especially the two we added to the fan shroud, were fantastic. The hovercraft was able to handle myself and the two hunters without trouble. Without a doubt, the Neoteric hovercraft is far superior to the SCAT hovercraft we have run in the past.” |
Scott Hanseth
George Larson Marine Rescue
Conway, Washington, USA
Mark Ellis pilots the Hazleton Fire Department’s
Neoteric rescue hovercraft over the swift flowing
Wabash River during a flight training session.
| October 13, 2014:
“This craft is unique in that it can run on pavement, it can run on grass, it can run on bean stubble … it can go right over a log, rocky shallow waters, sand, mud, you name it. But training is important because the crew needs to know how to maneuver the hovercraft and how their movement can affect it. It can be very important in rescue.”
August 8, 2011:
"[Before training] I guess I made the mistake of thinking, like a lot of people, that it's like operating a boat. I found out real quickly that it's more like flying a helicopter. Just reading the manual is not going to get you there. You need some hands-on training with a professional leaning over your shoulder telling you what you're doing right or wrong.
But now we’re able to provide a service with the hovercraft that no one else can provide. Everyone who has seen it in operation wants one now.”
Mark Ellis
Hazleton Volunteer Fire Department
Hazleton, IN, USA |
One of Snohomish County’s hovercraft soars
through debris-strewn floodwater at the
Washington mudslide
March 2014: Snohomish County Fire District 19 and their hovercraft were deployed from the initial alarm at the massive Oso, Washington mudslide. First responder Trent Nunemaker reports from the scene, describing one of the worst landslides in U.S. history and the crucial role hovercraft are serving in the rescue and recovery efforts …
“The only way I can describe the debris field is that it looks as though a bomb has gone off. Try to imagine what would happen if a forest of trees hit a neighborhood at 100 mph. Everything from vehicles to homes has been completely destroyed and spread across a half mile debris field. The Stillaguamish River was initially completely blocked by the slide, which caused a large portion of the debris field to flood. But our hovercraft can navigate through floating debris and logs, so we’re able to cross the flooded valley and access the debris field. In the hands of a well-trained pilot, these Neoteric craft are able to quickly and safely access almost any environment.
Much of the debris contains nails and other sharp building hardware which tend to catch on the skirts of the hovercraft. We’ve overcome this by hovering low in the water and pushing such debris aside with the fiberglass body of the craft.
We’re also using the hovercraft to transport and retrieve personnel and rescue equipment to and from the debris field and other areas that are hard to access by any other means. They’re an excellent platform to rapidly reach the teams working out of smaller unpowered inflatables which have incorporated search dogs.
During one day’s search operations I was assigned Safety Officer for water operations and used one of the hovercraft to keep track of all the watercraft operating in the debris field. The hovercraft was very well-suited for this job as it allowed me to quickly reach crews in the field to assist in the event of an emergency.
We’re constantly coming up with new uses for our hovercraft. Recently we’ve worked on techniques to lower our craft by ropes down steep embankments. This has proven to be very successful and allows us to take advantage of more launch sites.
Our hovercraft have become a critical tool in our swiftwater rescue team’s operations. Every second counts when it comes to water emergencies and the hovercraft allow us to access all our district’s waterways quickly and safely.”
Trent Nunemaker
Firefighter / EMT / President
Snohomish County Fire District 19
Silvana, Washington USA |
Snohomish County's rescue hovercraft prepare
to enter the mudslide debris field via a flooded
See a photo gallery of Snohomish County’s hovercraft in action at the mudslide |
April 20, 2014:
“On April 16th 2014, Wylie Fire-Rescue was requested to assist Dallas Fire Rescue in rescuing a subject who was stuck in mud. The patient was approximately 1/4 mile from any terrain that was accessible by foot. Our hovercraft was piloted by firefighter Clayton Jones; I rode as the rescuer. Accessing the patient was very difficult due to large amounts of thick brush, rocks, metal posts and other debris, as well as the mud. The hovercraft was slowed down considerably by the thick brush, but traveled with ease over rocks, uneven terrain, mud and water. We located the patient with mounted lights and pulled next to him. We assisted the patient into the craft by both rescuers pulling him from the mud and into the craft. We then made our way back to shore.
Overall the hovercraft performed very well. It was noted by multiple members of Dallas Fire Rescue, that without Wylie and our hovercraft, the patient would still be stuck.”
Andrew Johnson
Wylie Fire-Rescue
Wylie, Texas USA |
April 20, 2014:
“On April 16th, Wylie Fire-Rescue was dispatched to a mutual aid rescue requested by Dallas Fire Rescue at Lake Ray Hubbard to assist them with removing a victim from the mud that was stuck. Upon arrival of Rescue 143 (our hovercraft) we were assigned by Battalion 141 to fly the hovercraft out and attempt to rescue the victim. I flew the hovercraft and Andrew Johnson rode with me as the rescuer. We had good lighting from the lights mounted on the hovercraft, but the biggest challenge was trying to go through any tall grass when we had to. Once we got through the tall grass we had to go over and around many obstructions such as big rocks, stumps, fence posts, and other large metal objects that would tear the skirts. In the silty mud the hovercraft flew very nicely and we were able to get the victim out and back close enough to the shore that he could walk on firm ground to safety.”
Clayton Jones
Wylie Fire-Rescue
Wylie, Texas USA |
| May, 2013:
"We once had to carry a 300 lb. person on a backboard across some questionable open ice. Sure, we wear rescue suits for things like this, but they are not made for long hikes over open ice. If we get hurt while performing a rescue, all we've done is become another victim, making the job twice as hard. It's times like that when a hovercraft comes into play. The hovercraft is like a life insurance policy for our guys - that's what it boils down to. And you have to learn good habits from the start. Our course at Hovercraft Training Centers definitely started good habits for us."
Joe McWhorter JR.
Perry- Clear Creek Fire Department
Bloomington, IN, USA |
First responders from the Perry-Clear Creek Fire Department receive their hovercraft pilot certifications at Hovercraft Training Centers after flight training in their Neoteric rescue hovercraft.
| April 17, 2013:
“The benefit of having these vehicles is we do not have to send our personnel into the water to retrieve victims. They are also able to hover over logs, car tires and any other debris, unlike boats, that could be a hazard in the water. If the hovercraft proves to be far and above more useful than a regular boat, we will potentially purchase one more. Everyone is really excited and ready to start using them.”
Capt. William Franks
Mansfield Fire Department
Mansfield, TX, USA |
Mansfield Fire Department first responders undergo flight training in their hovercraft. Capt. Franks said, “Figure it out without the training? Absolutely not. You have to have the training.”
July 22, 2012:
"[Before the hovercraft,] we were just screwed if we had to go out on a bad ice. There is no other equipment. Otherwise, we'd just be pushing boats and ropes and hoping for the best. And without training, it's not how you’re going to crash - it's when."
Reserve Deputy Rick Holtgrave
Coldwater Fire Department
Coldwater, MI, USA |
| April, 2012:
“We perform water and ice rescues on the rapidly running, narrow, difficult to access Pine River, with rocks, downed trees and steep banks. One asset of the hovercraft will be to replace ice rescues done the old fashioned way: with rope and ice rescue suits. The training really gives you a concept of what this thing is capable of doing. You think, ‘Wow! If I can do this, what else can I do?’
Larry Waligorski
Medical First Responder
Norman Volunteer Fire Department
Norman, MI, USA |
From left: Instructor Chris Fitzgerald, Medical First Responder Larry Waligorski, Assistant Chief Dennis Jolicoeur and Instructor Steve Stafford prepare to launch their new hovercraft on the Wabash River for their training session.
Fire Chief Ricky Spencer and Logistics Officer Jeremy Adams undergo pilot training on 1 June, 2011 in their new 6-passenger rescue HoverTrek. Left to right: Neoteric Training Pilot Steve Stafford; Chief Ricky Spencer; Neoteric President Chris Fitzgerald; Jeremy Adams. |
30 January, 2012:
“When we go to unload Hover 1 at the river, crowds of people are amazed by its presence and how it works. We are proud to be one of the only fire departments in Georgia to be lucky enough to have such a wonderful machine.”
14 June, 2011: “On low water, our aluminum boat can only go so far. With the hovercraft we can travel over rocks, shallow water, sandbars. The shoals don’t exist anymore for us. Before, they were our obstacle, and we’re so excited about the ability of this hovercraft to get up the river quicker, to take the obstacles away that we’ve had in the past, and make it where we can actually go up and make a difference in someone’s life.”
Ricky Spencer, Fire Chief
Roswell Fire Department
Roswell, Georgia USA |
See a video of the Roswell hovercraft in action: New Superboat to Speed up River Rescue |
For several years a leading Italian Aquatic Rescue team has looked for a hovercraft to use in their operations. They tested hovercraft from more than six manufacturers across the world, including Hi Tech International Srl., who counterfeited the Neoteric hovercraft design. They were not satisfied with HTI; the craft wasn’t leveled and they were not satisfied with the company.
After this testing, they decided that the only useful hovercraft for rescue operations must have reverse thrust … so they contacted me and we settled an appointment.
After a few days they decided to buy the HoverTrek™ - without even testing it! They told me, “We decided to buy from you because Neoteric is a reliable company with “mass” production and because we feel that you are very competent and your company is very well structured so we can trust in it.”
Roberto Bellini, Neoteric Hovercraft Dealer
Hovercraft Europe, Srl.
Trento, Italy |
"I'd researched hovercraft for 10 years. A lot of manufacturers are fly-by-nights, they come and go, but you need a company who will be there for you. A big seller was Neoteric's reversing capabilities - that's what Chris’ hovercraft are known for. And it's great; it gets us into areas our jet boat can't get into. With brakes you're able to control that hovercraft in an uncontrollable environment ... Christopher Cockerell invented the hovercraft and I think Chris Fitzgerald perfected it! It’s a great little machine."
See photos of night rescue operations training
Scot Sinclaire
Central Fraser Valley Search and Rescue Society
Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada |
“The trailer is great! Its a small manageable size, pulls well behind
the units and makes loading and unloading the Hovercraft a breeze.”
Sergeant William Taylor
City of Albuquerque Police Department
Open Space Unit / APD ARRT Dive Team |
“This was our 2nd ice rescue incident in two days. Both the North Muskegon and Muskegon Fire Departments use hovercraft for their ice rescue operations. The hovercraft have saved more lives than our engines have. Since 1985, 255 people have been rescued or removed from Muskegon area lakes using hovercraft. 50% would have drowned not having the hovercraft as a safe rescue tool.”
Steve Lague
Fire Chief
City of North Muskegon Fire Department |
“This is a vehicle with tremendous potential to save lives.”
Israeli Fire Department Chief of Special Rescue
Quote from Neoteric Israel dealer Or Haviv |
“First of all: Our hovercraft arrived yesterday.
Everything’s o.k. with it, no damages, everything we ordered was
delivered and that’s why it is so nice to make dealings with you.
Everything you make, works exact as you promised. Thank you for working
like that. Nowadays it’s not really common.
Besides our hovercraft’s name will be Herbie, like the beetle in
the Disney film. We all hope that it will help us to help other people in
the same way.”
Susanne Kamencek
Österreichische Wasser-Rettung |
“Thank you so much, we’re looking forward to [hovercraft parts’] arrival. I also have to say that Neoteric has been a total pleasure to deal with!” |
“I just wanted to say thanks to Neoteric for making the whole process of purchasing and training with the hovercraft, a total pleasure. Your employees need a pat on the back for producing such a high quality life saving machine!”
Scot Sinclaire
Central Fraser Valley Search and Rescue
Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada |

“Tampere Area Rescue in Finland tested the Hovertrek™ Rescue and realized its value immediately. They purchased their Hovertrek™ in April 2007, and named it Liituri. In autumn and spring, when lake ice is thin in Finland, the hovercraft has performed rescues at least every second day. Tampere Area Rescue reports that the Hovertrek™ Rescue is light enough to handle well and has excellent maneuvering capabilities, thanks to the reverse thrust system.
They work in extremely hard weather conditions and the hovercraft is working beautifully for them. They are always recommending it to other rescue officers, and now expect to order additional units, so two more Neoteric rescue hovercraft and trailers will be in use in Tampere next winter.”
(See more photos in the Craftima Oy gallery)
Markku Huvinen
Craftima Oy
Vantaa, Finland |
"Thanks, Ralph and Chris, for all your advice on repairs to this wonderful craft! I just love it and it was the highlight of our open house! I gave rides to kids for over 2.5 hours straight and everyone walked away with a huge smile!
What a awesome addition to our fire dept. !!!!!"
Mike Ahrens
Assistant Chief
Big Flats Fire Department
Big Flats, New York |
"The Utah Test and Training Range purchased two Neoteric hovercraft in August 2005 and on March 31, 2006 we completed our first rescue of a downed F-16 aircraft with one pilot. We were in a race against time because life flight was dispatched at the same time we were. We launched our hovercraft and beat the life flight helicopter to the pilot. Luckily the ejection from the F-16 was successful and we found him in good health.
He was amazed to see us there and surprised we beat the helo to his location. We launched from land then hit the water, then land, water, and land again. This just goes to show you the hovercraft is very versatile."
Cory Lingelbach
Rescue Hovercraft Training Officer
Utah Test and Training Range
U.S. Department of Defense |
"Overall I love the craft, it's a joy to operate, I'm quite impressed. It is a huge improvement over our earlier Neoteric model which we operated since 1990."
"We have developed a special technique for swift water body dragging using the craft's reverse thrust."
Scott Schroeder
Mecosta County Sheriff's Department, Michigan |

Mecosta County Sheriff's Department Hovercraft Rescue Team
in action during a rescue and recovery mission on the Muskegon River. |
11 April 2006
"We had a demo a couple of days ago and it was covered by two television stations and a daily newspaper. The hovercraft performed like a charm! We love it so far."
"We really like the hovercraft and enjoyed our day with Neoteric. Feel free to use us as a reference to the departments."
"It worked just like it was designed to...we were
able to negotiate the hovercraft through the rapids right
up to where (the victim) was waiting."
Gary Lenon
Sheriff's Detective
Mecosta County, Michigan |
March 2005: Capt. David Ogren and firefighter
Brent Arnson return to shore after performing a
hovercraft rescue operation when a quad runner
fell through the ice on Muskegon Lake. |
"On December 30, 2005, we received a call that several hunters were trapped on an ice floe where their boat got stuck after an accident due to the passing of a large ship. Someone on shore called 911 and our hovercraft was dispatched along with the US Coast Guard helicopter and the Muskegon Fire Department, who has a Scat hovercraft. Muskegon got started first, but I suited up, launched and overtook them in our Hovertrek Rescue.
It was awesome; I love this machine! I got out on the ice and had radio contact with all other parties involved. I arrived first, on a very thin ice shelf that varied in thickness from 1/2 an inch to 3 inches in places. It was windy, with a 1 to 2-foot chop on the open water, but our Hovertrek flew exceptionally well. Reverse thrust makes all the difference, enabling me to control the craft in the wind. The engine performed wonderfully and had plenty of power.
I was able to assist the hunters to launch their boat and to guide them out onto open water, and no one was injured."
Captain David Ogren
North Muskegon Fire Department
North Muskegon, Michigan USA |
Note: Read more in North Muskegon Fire Department: hovercraft rescue pioneers. |
"Most of the terrain under the
Utah Test and Training Range consists
of mudflats. During the wet months, traversing
across the Range is extremely difficult,
even with ATVs. [Our Neoteric] hovercraft
provide the capability to move across
any soil conditions. The salt flats are
full of crevices and holes filled with
water that slowed our response times down,
but the hovercraft will glide over the
uneven terrain.
Use of the hovercraft isn't limited
to aircraft crashes. They will also
be used for search and rescue operations
and to respond to vehicle accidents
along the I-80 corridor. Last winter
there were about 25 accidents where
people ended up in the canals along
I-80. Tooele County emergency responders
had to send for boats after their initial
response. With the hovercraft, we'll
be able to get to the victims a lot
They are state of the art … it's
good to have the equipment necessary
for a timely response."
Ron Short, Director
David Kallman, Fire Chief
Utah Test and Training Range
U.S. Department of Defense |
"Happy with every aspect of the craft."
Engineer Joe Nauman
Chillicothe Fire Department, Illinois |
"On March 1st 2004, our agricultural irrigation
ditches were opened and filled with water in preparation
for the spring planting. These irrigation ditches run
through the city of Albuquerque as well as through many
of its neighborhoods.
As a part of our Ditch Water Safety Taskforce, we had
a press conference in which we performed a mock water
rescue to remind parents and children about the hazards
of the ditches and their swift water. I have enclosed
mock rescue pictures and I will also send a video of
all the local news coverage.
I also want to thank you again for your support with
the hovercraft. Your dedication to the rescue community
is strong, and is greatly appreciated by all of us.
Your hovercraft and support give us the highest confidence
when we are out there doing our job!"
Sergeant William H. Taylor
City of Alburquerque, Open Space Police Department
“Sunday, December 23rd [2007] is my last day
with Anchorage Airport Police & Fire. It’s
been my extreme pleasure working with you over the
years. You have always provided outstanding support for
our two hovercraft. The fact that our hovercraft have
held up so well under our extreme Alaskan conditions is
a testament to the quality of the product.” |
"...Our hovercraft are not only practical, but
absolutely the best rescue tool for our conditions. We
know we have no more than a one hour window to have the
opportunity to rescue survivors of a crash into cold water.
Particularly in the winter, the condition of the mudflats
and ice floes in Cook Inlet are such that these hovercraft
provide the quickest response. We can normally fly over
and around ice barriers, whereas Anchorage Fire Department's
boats are not able to travel through the ice at all. The
hovercraft give us the most options to deploy quickly.
If we encounter a significant ice shelf at the edge of
the mudflats, we're able to simply pick up the hovercraft
with four people and carry it around the barrier. We've
found both the Fuji and Hirth engines to be reliable in
both fresh and salt water. The craft itself is rugged
and reliable."
Sgt. Bill Weiss
Anchorage Airport Police & Fire Rescue |
"Having the ability to traverse all types of
terrain both safely and expediently truly makes this
hovercraft a must-have piece of water rescue equipment.
We had our first night time training evaluation with
it and although operation was a bit slower, it performed
wonderfully. To all the crew at Neoteric, not only are
you providing recreational opportunities for people,
but you are saving lives, both rescuers and victims
alike. That is something anyone should be proud to be
part of."
Captain Chris Hughes
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania |
"It's about the price of a good motorcycle, and
that's nothing if you can use it to save just one life."
Dick Setliff
Director of Emergency Management
Vigo County, Indiana |
"My Hovertrek-Rescue keeps me above the danger,
not in it"
Ty Weaver
Centerville, Virginia |
"It's a remarkable tool. A boat or helicopter couldn't
reach her because her (flooded) home was surrounded by
trees and fences. Without the hovercraft, we could never
have saved her. It's simpler and faster to respond with
a hovercraft than another vehicle."
Lieutenant Gregg Hipple
Johnson County, Iowa |
"I've had the hovercraft out for two three-hour
flights. It performs very well with four people in it.
I'm doing my break-in period on frozen Lake Hood. Both
days it was about twenty degree (F) and about twelve
knots of wind."

26 March 2002
“We had a large water main break during the night
near the southeast side of Lake Hood. Lake Hood is a
Sea Plane Base within the Anchorage Airport. This resulted
in three ski planes sinking. The water apparently caused
the entire section of ice, on which the aircraft were
tied down, to collapse and sink - The aircraft still
attached to the ice layer, which was now on the bottom
of the lake.
Neoteric Hovercraft to the rescue! Andy Helm and I had
to fly across a lot of deep and drifted snow to get
to the affected section of the lake. Once on scene we
were able to start cutting the aircraft tie down lines
to prepare for towing the aircraft out of the water.
Two tail tie downs had to be cut under water. With the
help of the aircraft owners, we were able to tie ropes
to the main landing gear of each aircraft. We then used
the hovercraft to tow long, heavy cables from tow trucks
to each aircraft. During the operation, the water was
rapidly turning to heavy slush and the surface was icing
over. We used the hovercraft to break through the ice
between the aircraft and the tow trucks. Otherwise there
would have been no way to get the aircraft out.
We had a fair amount of wind and snow throughout the
mission, but were able to maneuver the hovercraft in
very tight quarters around the aircraft. The Neoteric
Hovercraft handled every part of the mission beautifully
- hauling a lot of people and gear over snow, heavy
slush and open water, tight maneuvering, and towing
heavy cables. Great craft! Timely recovery of three
Sgt. Bill Weiss
Anchorage International Airport - Police - Fire - EMS |
"It would normally have taken all night trying
to find the lady and her son but with the hovercraft it
only took 20 minutes. It has proved its worth. It was
amazing how it opened up our shallow river."
Rick LeCroy
Conservation Office
Centerville, Alabama |
"Under cover for two months, it started right up.
I made a voyage through a flooded creek and rough water.
The government has renewed my contract again for drug
interdiction work."
Officer Steve Stafford
Lawrence County Sheriff's Department
Bedford, Indiana |
"Our Hovertrek Rescue Craft (built from a partially
assembled kit) far exceeded our expectations, and we're
really delighted with it. We've had a major drought here
on the Rio Grande, and this is the only craft that works
on the river."
Officer William Taylor
City of Albuquerque Police Department
Open Space Division |
"We have brought people aboard our Workhorse and
it's a nice stable platform."
Deputy Chief Bill Cook
Onset Fire Department
Onset, Massachusetts |

Ministero Dell'Interior, training near Lodi, Italy

My name is Mike Patrick and I have
the pleasure of owning one of your Hovercraft.
It spends the winter at Larry Taylor's and has been
a very useful tool in the past, when the river gets
so low that no boat can travel then it is for sure hovercraft
time. As I live 10 miles down the 40mile river and the
only way is by river!
This summer we had the lowest water in the river rocks
sticking up everywhere and a MONSTER FIRE. Your old
hover craft was the only thing that could get up and
down the river, The BLM Fire Dept. needed to get pumps,
Hoses and personnel down river to save historical Cabins,
Yes you guessed it my hover craft was hired to do the
work and let me tell you one of the boys that I took
down was 290 lbs. and his gear was 60lbs and I weigh
220 Lbs and the bottom of the craft had holes in it
3 feet long and 8 inches wide both sides and still did
its job! I Patched it with plastic trash cans and pop
rivets, no time to fiber glass it, fire people needed
to haul people and equipment every day for a couple
of weeks!
Mike Patrick
Eagle, Alaska |